Dear Friends and Family,
Last year we were able to take the opportunity to serve as a family on a short missions trip to the Door of Faith Orphanage in La Mision, Baja Mexico during the kid’s Fall Break. Although this year has been tough on us financially being in the real estate business, we still feel that it is important to instill principles of giving of our time and treasures in our family life. The estimate total cost for our family is to participate in this trip with our church is $500. $290 is our registration cost and the rest is for our gas, Mexico insurance, and supplies. If you would like to support us financially, no amount is too small, please make checks out to Ventura Missionary Church and designate it for Kashiwamura Family. Please send it this week by October 9th to: 1876 Rogue River Circle, Ventura, CA 93004. Any excess will go towards supplies and materials for the orphanage. Most of all, we ask for your prayers. Thanks for investing in the Kingdom with us. We’ll keep you posted!